We invite you to our first Biosphere Study Group meeting creating a moment together to broaden and rethink the understanding of the relationship between urban spaces and the natural landscape.
In the current project phase, we are exploring the relationship between residents of Tegel, including the more-than-human, the biosphere and the city. Our small online gathering is hosted by Sina Ribak. We will spend some time reading out loud a selection of passages offering us perspectives on nature and culture:
- Anna Tsing (2015): The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins, Princeton University Press.
- J.K. Gibson-Graham (2014): A Feminist Project of Belonging to the Anthropocene, Taylor & Francis, 42.
- Jane Benett (2010): Vibrant Matter – A Political Ecology of Things, Duke University Press.
- Emanuele Coccia (2020): Common Nature. Beyond the City and The Forest, in: Vesper no.3: Nella Selva.
We will be listening to our voices. There will be moments for sharing our reflections in regards to the urban biosphere theme and our experiences of studying together.
Thursday, 15th of December, 17:30 – 19:00: Biosphere Study Group, zoom.
The meeting is neither streamed nor recorded to create an intimate atmosphere of collective study. To support our reflection process and facilitate the sharing of our collectively harvested insights, we invite participants to share notes, thoughts or drawings.
Biosphere Berlin – is a project by Common Views