Art and Ecology Gathering in La Araucanía / 2nd galaFest

Collective Reading galaFest Bosque PehuenImage: Sina Ribak

Kiosko was part of the second galaFest taking place in the protected conservation area Bosque Pehuén, Chile. Members from Latin America, Europe, and Asia of Green Art Lab Alliance (gala), an international platform that brings together initiatives contributing to environmental sustainability through creative practices, exchanged their practices in dialogues, sensory experimentation, and collaborative creations during the program (December 3-7, 2023).

Image: Sina Ribak

The co-organizers, Fundación Mar Adentro, Museo del Hongo, Valley of the Possible (VOP), Green Art Lab Alliance (gala), and the Interdisciplinary Center for Research and Artistic Creation of the University of La Frontera (CIICA-UFRO), included an exhibition and public program in Pucon.

Image: Josefina AstorgaCourtesy of Fundación Mar Adentro -GalaFest