Between Us and Nature – A Reading Club #48

invitation reading soilZabriskie

Up to 90% of living organisms live or spend part of their life cycle in soils. 95% of our food comes from soils. Most soil is degraded. In a time of planetary change, we want to expand our views on soil.

Between Us and Nature is an ongoing reading club that chooses texts related to natural sciences, art, anthropology, postcolonialism and the (post)anthropocene from a eco-feminist perspective. Attendees read passages together out loud, and share experiences and thoughts about the nature they live in. Looking beyond disciplines, the group creates a space to learn from and with bacteria, algae, fungi, soil and multinaturalist narratives.

Please RSVP to: betweenusnature [at] gmail com

When:​ Wednesday 20th of March, 2024 at 18:30 (sharp)

Where​: Zabriskie, Reichenberger Str. 150, 10999 Berlin

Hosts:​ Between Us and Nature are Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky, artist, and Sina Ribak, researcher for ecologies and the arts

In collaboration with Zabriskie Buchladen für Kultur und Natur