Read MoreIt kills plants, breaks down ecological structures, sets molecules adrift, shuffles species, opens up niches, and for a time rewires the flow of energy and nutrients. Fire upsets, quickens, shreds, reorganizes, and rejuvenates.
Stephen Pyne
Tag: collective
Between Us and Nature – A Reading Club #48
Up to 90% of living organisms live or spend part of their life cycle in soils. 95% of our food comes from soils. Most soil is degraded. In a time of planetary change, we want to expand our views on soil.
Read MoreCosmogrammatic – a conversation with fictopus by Constanza Mendoza
“Biosphere Study Group” / second
Read More« Le jardinage se prête au modèle gestionnaire dépassant les limites du jardin. On comprendrait qu’une société s’en inspire – c’est l’enjeu du Jardin Planétaire – à condition d’en percevoir les dérives et de les éviter. »
Gilles Clément
“Biosphere Study Group” / first
We invite you to our first Biosphere Study Group meeting creating a moment together to broaden and rethink the understanding of the relationship between urban spaces and the natural landscape.
Read MoreBetween Us and Nature – A Reading Club #41 – Inbetweenery – in collaboration with La Intermundial Holobiente & Zabriskie
How does an ant perceive the smell of compost? This could be one of the more-than-human stories gathered in “The Book of the Ten Thousand Things” created for documenta15 by La Intermundial Holobiente. “Inbetweenery” is the proposal by artist Claudia Fontes, philosopher Paula Fleisner, and writer Pablo M. Ruiz to translate “intermundial” into English.
Read MoreAc/kademie #7: Long Hanging Fruits: Myths and Matter of the Oil Palm Complex
Long Hanging Fruits: Myths and Matter of the Oil Palm Complex is a collective presentation by Jan van Eyck participant Elia Nurvista, Michelle Lai, Sina Ribak, and Yoeri Guépin that weaves together stories around and between palm oil across the globe as an attempt to understand the multilayered processes surrounding this global commodity.
Read MoreCollective Agenda: Learning with the more-than-human presents “bryophytes – agency, storytelling and queerness” + “stories about relations with sponges”
Learning with the more-than-human research group (Alen Ksoll and Sina Ribak), along with the other speakers from Art Labor, Statens Konstråd, together with Cecilia Åsberg, from Posthumanities Hub and participants of the Collective Practices Post-Master course, engaged in an exchange on the boundaries between humans and other living and artificial kingdoms and their consequences in art practice and cultural policies.
Read MoreBetween Us and Nature – A Reading Club #30 / Patterns of Collective Learning – Working on Ecological Struggles
During the last two sessions, reading together in the ‘Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet‘ anthology, we started our exchange on ecological loss and grief in general. Now, not only ecological but all kinds of societal changes are omnipresent due to Covid-19. With so many uncertainties and questions in mind, let’s turn to ecologies for inspirations in our thinking and doing:
“Although we have only just begun to understand collective behaviour in a few systems, we already see analogies in the forms of collective behavior used by neurons, other types of cells, and ant colonies. This suggests to me that the number of forms of collective behavior used in different systems is not infinite, and so there is some hope if we look at ecologies associated with the forms of collective behavior, we will see trends.” [Deborah M. Gordon]