Tag: HKW

In Dialogue about Earth Indices. With Christopher Wierling and Alice Cannava

Earth Indices. Processing the Anthropocene, is an exhibition by Giulia Bruno & Armin Linke commissioned by Haus der Kulturen der Welt. It explores the scientific and social conditions producing the new geological epoch, the Anthropocene. Christopher Wierling invited Alice Cannava and myself as guests to this public guided tour, to offer alternative concepts to the Anthropocene and to share possibilities of reading this exhibition from the perspectives of school children and teenagers.

This guided exhibition tour was part of S.O.S. – Schools of Sustainability at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, September 22, 2022.

Workshop “Anthropozän & ich” / Haus der Kulturen der Welt

At the S.O.S. – Schools of Sustainability closing congress, Alice Cannava and I, hosted the “Anthropozän & ich” workshop for 20 kids, who worked for more than a year in artistic school projects related to climate, fungi, microplastic or kin instead of cars. With the S.O.S. school kids as experts, we gathered ingredients for non-linear stories (“Kuddelmuddelgeschichten”) in the Earth Indices – Processing the Anthropocene exhibition by Giulia Bruno and Armin Linke. What is the brown stuff? And how much does the Haus der Kulturen der Welt cost? The workshop participants chose their own ingredients interweaving their personal story in this new geological epoch. Transformed into drawings and sculptures, the children and teenager crafted a pop-up exhibition featuring algae, plastic, arctic football, witches and many more astonishing anthropocene agents.

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