In my work, as a researcher for ecologies and the arts, I am studying the relations of people, landscapes and natures through the lenses of biodiversity, coexistence and climate. My practices include collective reading, writing, the design of site-specific collective research and forms of encounter, including walking and food care.
To explore and recontextualise natureculture narratives told by science, politics, (bio)economies, local people, artists, designers or more-than-human actors, my transdisciplinary research is based on exchange, experimentation, and relation building.
While we cannot change planetary boundaries, I believe in research that embraces symbiotic worldviews and worldmaking, to collectively create knowledges for social and environmental justice.
Between Us and Nature – A Reading Club, co-director with Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky, artist.
Around a Tree, collaborator invited by Más Arte Más Acción (MAMA). Around a Tree is an initiative by MAMA bringing together art and science to explore humanity’s connection with trees and plants amidst the climate and biodiversity crises.
Feral Fieldwork, an initiative by Alice Cannava, Chiara Garbellotto and Sina Ribak. Feral Fieldwork is an applied transdisciplinary exploration of urgent social and ecological issues from an ecofeminist perspective. Feral Fieldwork experiences, designs and narrates from and with the urban nature of Berlin.
Occulto – guest editor
KIOSKO galeria – research & entanglement
Arts Collaboratory – with Kiosko: collective practices for societal change
Green Art Lab Alliance – with Kiosko: contributing to gala for environmental sustainability through creative practice
Struggles for Sovereignty: Land, Water, Farming, Food (SFS)– fellow of the collective platform focusing on the intersections of social & ecological justice, organised by Bodies of Power / Power for Bodies and Bakudapan Food Study Group, based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
fictopus – gathers non-hero stories by reweaving the relational knots of multiple events, time and landscapes. The process pays attention to the responsibility inherent to the work of threading stories. fictopus are Filippo Bertoni, Alice Cannavà, Chiara Garbellotto, Constanza Mendoza, Sybille Neumeyer and Sina Ribak.
International Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Strategy – IINAS – fellow
Collective Practices Research Course , KKH, Stockholm – Postmaster participant
oddkin°labs | Unexpected relations for more-than-human world, with Chiara Garbellotto, social anthropology & critical museum studies.